  • The price of an installed PV system in VA has dropped dramatically over the past 10 years, while the average utility rate has increased significantly in the past 5-10 years.

  • We avoid bombarding you with biased information to convince you that solar is the right choice.

  • We work hard to ensure you have a personal experience built on honesty and trust. You will know the people you hire and who you'd need to call if there were ever an issue with the installation at your home or business.

  • As part of our approach, we supply resources that help you find the information directly so that you can make an informed decision.

  • We are always willing to answer questions and/or help you find answers in the most objective method possible. Please email or call us if you have questions or would like an estimate for your business or home. 


Below are several links to sources of valuable information for you to explore

Hosted and published by the NC Clean Energy Technology Center – a database of state and government incentives. The site is not only great for solar info, but also contains details on incentives / grants for nearly anything relating to energy production or energy efficiency. 

NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners) – the website is aimed mainly at professionals within the solar industry but also contains a lot of good educations programs and details on workshops and conferences. 

Solar Page on Energy.Gov – mainly aimed at bringing you up to speed with the solar industry, and how the US Govt. is supporting and growing the solar industry. Check out the Solar Projects Map - VA Tech awarded $1.2MM to help reduce the soft costs of solar.       

PV Syst is a free website run by the US Dept of Energy. Tons of info, be careful some of it is based on scientific studies and may go into more detail than appropriate. One of the most useful resources, a solar design software, PV Syst, utilized by many solar professionals. In general, the software is user friendly and can help you understand the basic energy production of your specific system based on your home’s location and PV components. 


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